The Great Balancing Act

  While on our honeymoon, Dave and I strolled along the~ (4) boardwalk of the Vieux Ville in Quebec City, Canada.  It was a chilly, overcast morning with the smell of rain in the air.  We were among all the other visitors enjoying the view of the beautiful castle hotel, Le Chateau Frontenac. 

We came across a crowd of people wa~ (1)tching a street performer.  Here in the middle of the boardwalk was a man juggling and performing great balancing acts to please the crowd.  We applauded as each balancing act increased ~ (2)in difficulty and strength.  For one of the acts, this strong man balanced a grocery cart on his chin.  But this grocery cart was no ordinary cart, this cart contained a bowling ball, broom, bicycle and other items, all balanced on his chin.  It was amazing to watch this man’s balancing techniques.

In life, how we wish we could balance things with such talent and receive applause at the end of our act.

Yet it doesn’t work that way and when I attempt this balancing act of folly it all seems close to crashing in one fell swoop.

I was feeling that way towards the end of 2011.  My schedule was full beyond belief and there never seemed enough time to fill all the holes I some how thought were mine to fill.

The week between Christmas and New Years I pause my life to reflect— peer back and look forward…dream, plan and prepare.

When drawing toward that week in 2011 I kept hearing God whisper, You’re life is too full….slow down. 

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30: 21)

I swished the whisper aside so my head would be clear to steady my own wavering chaos I knew as My Great Balancing Act….home, family, school, ministry, church, relationships, friendships…I was percariously holding on yet knew I was carrying too much.

I would have liked a quick fix to the issue but as I quieted myself, I once again heard His whisper, You’re life is too full…slow down.”

I would love to say I jumped right on board and was completely obedient immediately.  But I was slow in process and slow in action….yet His Grace, His patient nature walked with me in this journey of letting go.

I began by laying out all those areas I was trying to balance.  I put them in order of importance…my life with God, my husband Dave, our children, home, school, ministry… I prayed…evaluated truthfully…and then began letting go.

I let go of ministry opportunities…let go of activities that just filled the schedule with extra…let go of issues which weren’t mine to carry…I made a plan…began exercising…read more…slept better and began to live…

It’s been a year now…a year of letting go….slowing down and gaining better perspective.  It’s been a year of learning eucharisteo …giving thanks, living in the moment and enjoying that moment for what it is…a gift. (Ann Voskamp)

I’m in no way perfect.  I still lose my balance at times yet I can say life is better… life is slower and I’m happier in my life of grace…His undeserving favor.

Jesus said…”I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  John 10:10 (Msg)

9 thoughts on “The Great Balancing Act

  1. Thank you so much Rachel! Beautifully written and that book, “One Thousand Gifts” has totally transformed my heart and perspective as well!! What freedom there is in living in His grace!


  2. Thank you, my dear sister. This was very good and a great reminder of balancing and reflecting to tweak our lives for His service! Yes love that book, “One Thousand Gifts” too!


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