Just for Fun Friday ~ Story

Five Minute Friday

Today we’re linking up with Five Minute Friday. The rules are: Lisa Jo gives us a word to write on for 5 minutes…no major editing, no thinking too much…just writing and linking back to her site. This is actually a very fun writing challenge. If you have time to just browse today I would encourage you to head on over to her site and check out what others are writing.

The word for today is STORY.


Camels in my backyard, Franklin Graham in Wendy’s, walking beans, climbing mountains, having babies, making soap.  Streaked orange hair on Saturday night and collecting kindling in the dark ~ all pages, lines and chapters in my story book called life.

We all have crazy stories, things written in our book.  Happenings and events that would be too hard to just invent.

Yet He’s not surprised by any.  He’s planned them ~ day by day.  We get to live them out ~ adventures, work and play.

Don’t miss the story of your life by wishing for something else.  Live the life before you and make it yours alone.

Too many look to Hollywood or movies for their life, but real life, true life ~the one laid out for us ~ is better than any invented story because He planned it just for us.

Live the adventure, laugh at the comedy and most of all, love The Story Maker ~ The Writer of it all!

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. ~ Psalm 139:16

10 thoughts on “Just for Fun Friday ~ Story

  1. This is what I need to remember! I keep trying to edit the story to make it the way *I* want it, instead of the way He intended it.
    Have a blessed weekend!


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