Sleep Gratification – #Five-Minute-Friday

Five Minute Friday
Linking up with Lisa-Jo and my friends at 5-Minute-Friday where we get together and write about one word. No real editing or overthinking…just write. The word for today, sorta of like the letter of the day in kindergarten, is GRATEFUL.


I was hanging out with the #FMFparty  on Twitter last night and had full intentions of writing this post sooner. Of course, I could have written it right then but Murder, She Wrote was on and I needed to see who-dun-it. And for all those blogger’s out there, you all know a 5 minute post takes longer than just typing for 5 and hitting publish…so off to bed I went with plans of writing wonderful things in the morning.

Then the storm came.

At 1:30 am, I woke to a long rumbling distant thunder. Of course, mothering instincts kicked in and my thoughts went tumbling:

  • Did Matt’s new bike get brought in?
  • Are the windows shut in the van?
  • I bet the sandbox didn’t get covered and Matt’s construction vehicles are out.
  • I think kids left jackets on the swing-set.

It’s like summer weather has started but we’re not quite into closing up the yard for the night yet.

So out I went… in my bathrobe and muck boots….(a sight to behold) …to put away the yard before lightning struck and clouds opened up.

I returned to bed, but you know how it is…my mind began rolling right along with the storm outside.

One daughter woke at 2:30…I sent her back to bed.

I left the bed at 3 to return at 3:30…couldn’t sleep so I wrote instead.

At 4:20, Matt woke up…scared of the dark.

The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:45 am and some time after that sleep finally caught me.

Morning came early with phone calls and noise.

And now you’re probably thinking…what is she grateful for?

Last night, I had beautiful, loving and poetic thoughts of gratefulness just waiting to be typed out, but now…

Right now, I’m really grateful for a house full of kids old enough to watch themselves and care for the dog.

It’s 9:14 am and I’m off for a nap…I’ll be a much better mama, wife and all-around friendly person with some sleep gratification!   Night all



22 thoughts on “Sleep Gratification – #Five-Minute-Friday

  1. Oh, I’m looking forward to that day! Right now, when my kids get up before me, my very first thought is “did we remember to lock the fridge?” And the answer is usually no, so I get up with them. But it’s nice to hope that morning naps after rough nights could be in my future someday! Way to look on the bright side, even when you’re tired!


  2. Rachel, thanks for making me laugh today. That is awesome that your kids are old enough to watch themselves. I have one who is, and one who isn’t. Fortunately, the one who isn’t likes to sleep…most days.


  3. :). Ah, those days. I cultivated the habit of getting up really early (4) so that I could have the house to myself. Than my daughter discovered that I got up early and started getting up that early so she could be with me ;). I hope you have a lovely nap and that your beautiful thoughts stay with you to make your day brighter!


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