Why we need a superhero.

“Matt, come eat your breakfast.”

Wearing his Batman shirt and Tigger/Pooh blanket cape,  he responds, “I can’t…. I need to save the world!”

“Well, you can save the world after you eat breakfast.”

After slurping down the last of his milk, he jumps from his seat, flies into the living room and exclaims:

“Okay, Mom, I’m going to save the world!…..wanna come?”

Saving the world would be easy if the only thing needed was a superhero cape.

At times, life is weighty with the guilt-laden thought of saving the world….saving this little world of my existence.

  • Saving the laundry room from daily pile up
  • Carousing and controlling the schedules of all these household inhabitants
  • Feeding the masses around our dinner table

Then there’s the real problems in our days…

  • Families falling apart
  • Hearts hurting and bleeding from the inside out
  • Burnt relationships

I find success in putting out one fire yet another bursts into flames behind me.

My frustration resonates with Mr. Incredible’s plea of: “Why can’t the world just stay saved?”

In all the Super Hero tales there’s a picture of sheer panic — people running scared and frantic until the superhero arrives and the crowd sighs with relief. Reassuring cheers erupt with hope and enthusiasm knowing all is well with the superhero on the scene.

In our daily existence of chaos, we need a superhero.

It would be nice if our world was like the movies with the superhero sweeping in and setting all that is wrong right, but it doesn’t seem to work that way in my world.

Yet we have One that comes near and His Presence brings peace to our chaos.

When our days are hectic and we’re pulling our hair out, His Presence on the scene brings peace.


Anything we face today, He has the answer.

And our Savior knows that the righting of our world isn’t always the righting needed.

At times…

  • it’s not our situation that needs righting but our attitude in the situation.
  • it’s not the timing needing the tweeking but our trusting in His timing.
  • It’s not the right setting that we need but the setting right of our hearts.

That’s why we need Him — Not to right our world but to set us right in our world.

There will always be chaos in my days… situations beyond my control.

My job isn’t saving the world but letting Him save me through His Presence, His Grace and His Peace being enough in my chaotic world.

We find peace in our chaos when we invite Him on to the scene.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage—I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 (NET)

May I pray for you, my friends?

Lord,  I pray Your Presence will fill my friend’s heart and mind.  May they find Your peace in their chaos, wisdom for their day and courage for their challenges. Grant them grace in their weakness.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Join the conversation:

  • How can we pray for you?
  • Share with us how you find His peace in the chaos?


4 thoughts on “Why we need a superhero.

  1. I love this, Rachel! I’ve been dealing with some health stuff lately and yesterday was particularly bad. I found myself wanting to rant and rave at God – but He just comforted me. Before I could even really start complaining, He directed me to John 15 and His words about pruning. The situation didn’t change, but my perspective did. He is a Hero, indeed!


  2. And sometimes saving a “world” just looks like loving that boy even though he gets down from the table 14 million times and we’ve told him 14 million and one times not to. I think every mama is a superhero, and this is one of the ways God saves lives through us.

    Thanks for sharing your story!


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