Five Minute Friday ~ Messenger

I remember, as a little girl, sitting at my small metal folding table with the red-flowered top, writing short stories and taping them to my mother’s dining room wall. I was play-writing, or writing for play, whichever way… I just wanted to write.

Writing down thoughts has a way of clearing my mind. If it’s written down somewhere, it is now a printed word and not just a thought in my head.

My Grandpa Desh was a printer by trade. In the early 1930’s, with his own hands, he built his print shop, “The Gospel Messenger”. He ran those printing presses for 53 years.


I still remember the thundering noise of the press; the smell of ink and the thrill of watching the roller press over the paper as it left the ink behind.

Grandpa was an expert at setting the type. Pictures and images were placed to make a near-perfect image.

In my young eyes, nothing seemed to trip him up. He could smoothly move the paper into and out of the press with seemingly little effort.

Even today as I think about the message I share in this little part of my world, I sometimes trip up and don’t always set the type and place the images perfectly but I’ve learned perfection isn’t the goal.  The goal is to simply share His message.

I want His message to move in and out of these printed words  ~  His message typed through this simple messenger.



Five Minute Friday Today we are meeting up  with Lisa-Jo and the ladies of Five Minute Friday.  Lisa-Jo gives us a word prompt for the day and we write for 5 minutes.

I am crazy busy with family in town and my daughter’s high school graduation tonight so I was not planning on writing today but then I saw the word prompt of Messenger and I couldn’t pass it up.  That word has a special place in my heart because of my grandpa…and this being Father’s Day weekend, I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to honor him.

Happy Friday all!

13 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday ~ Messenger

  1. Loved your story. My grandparents were printers too. They met and fell in love over the printing press at the Rochester Bible Training Center, in Rochester, New York, a school that educated many of the Assemblies of God’s early leadership. As an engagement gift, my grandfather gave my grandmother a special typesetting bar (not sure of its exact name). They were the first AG missionaries to Alaska (1917-1982). I wrote and published their story in my book, Frontiers of Faith.


  2. Loved reading this and getting some insight into the name of your blog. I knew that’s what it meant, but I enjoyed hearing the story behind it. Beautiful! I used to write poetry when I was little and use the static from the tv to hold the paper there while my Dad was watching the evening news. Ha!


  3. That is so funny! And I can see that in my imagination….sticking paper to the tv!

    Stories like this remind me to look at my own kids and think, “What passion is brewing inside them?”

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. And I think that about my grandchildren. It is so amazing to see certain interests and talents passed on to the next generations. I come from a long line of writers and musicians and I see those interests and talents in them too even from an early age.


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