When our plan doesn’t quite work out ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s Friday and we are joining Kate and the ladies over at Five Minute Friday for our free-writing fun.  This is where we all write on the same word prompt and link up together over here.  Today’s word prompt is:  PLAN

I remember as a little girl I had a vision of what grown up life would be like.  I would be the perfect little housewife with well behaved children, a handsome husband that would come home each evening to a perfectly put together Pinterest worthy home and life would be wonderful.

Fast forward 20 plus years and my world is not quite that way on any day of the week.

Yes, I have been blessed with wonderful children who have taken a lot of work to get like that.  They don’t always behave and discipline is lots of work with many trials and failures along the way.

Yes, my husband is handsome, I can’t argue with that one but he definitely does not come home to a picture perfect home.  Instead it is often scattered with dirty socks, piles of papers, books and all kinds of randomness spread from one door to the other.

Our world of childhood pretend paints for us a world that only exists in our imagination.  And even as adults we have a plan of what our life should look like and we dream of it one day coming true.  Yet how many times are we disappointed by our own high expectations?

We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but God’s purpose prevails. ~ Proverbs 19:21 (MSG)

In our own planning and expectations we may fail but God has a plan and purpose for our lives that so outdoes anything we could come up with on our own.  Let’s trust that plan, listen to His direction and in that, we find that He had the best plan all along.

(This pic just made me smile and thought it might do the same for you! ~ Happy Friday!)


8 thoughts on “When our plan doesn’t quite work out ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Thanks for sharing! Yes, so often we make plans and they don’t work out. But the interruptions and things we get instead are often better than imagined. Just like my favorite part of a movie is the gag reel…Enjoy your life bloopers and interruptions! – your FMF neighbor

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  2. I love the MSG translation of Proverbs 19:21 – it’s such a picture of us spinning our wheels while God just writes the perfect purpose on our lives. I remember having those sugarplum visions of the perfect home too – and then being compulsive about trying to hold myself to them – yeesh, exhausting. So glad that over the years He has had his way and shown me that it’s so much better than mine! Great words, Rachel!!


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