Finding the Treasure in Today ~ Five Minute Friday

Welcome again to Five Minute Friday!  Kate and the gang of ladies are writing together and linking up here.  This is where we write for 5 minutes… no real editing or over thinking… just writing and getting the words out!  If you’d like to join us, click here!

Today’s word prompt is HIDE. 


He woke up this morning in such a jolly mood. From the get-go, his mouth has not stopped moving.

  • “Mom, I fixed myself breakfast all on my own.”
  • “Mom, it’s cold outside, just like Christmas.”
  • “Mom, it’s knitting Matt Slippers day… that’s what we should do today.”
  • “Mom, can you come wipe my bum?”
  • “M-o-m… school’s boring… not like playing Transformers!”

I just want to hide away.

I finally turn to him and say, “Okay… STOP!  I haven’t even had my coffee yet! Can we just slow down and begin our day quieter?”


Mornings hit me like this when I don’t get my own quiet time first. I love to wake up when the house is still quiet and the sun is just coming up. I love the quiet and beginning slowly. That time of quiet gets me ready for the noise and chaos that follows on any given day.

As I sip my coffee and gaze out the window, I’m reminded that even in the chaos, God is still very near and present. And even when our mornings don’t start out the way we would like or we just want to bury our head and hide under the covers just a little bit longer… even then… it can still be a good day!

So I swallow down another gulp of Hazelnut double cream, smile at that little boy who steals my heart and I get going. Because in the everyday, there are gifts of precious moments hidden away, I just have to look for them. So along with my coffee, I swallow my “grumpies” and embrace the gift of today.

14 thoughts on “Finding the Treasure in Today ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Who can’t but smile at this early morning picture of your day today! I feel like you’ve described my own morning, except that I’m curling up to write for Five Minute Friday with a cup of Green Tea with mint and creamed honey.

    Without a quiet morning, it’s harder to appreciate the simple beauty of a child nearby, school work, chores, and toys scattered around. What a beautiful way with words you have – I enjoyed sharing a bit of your morning with you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Today is indeed a gift. I know what you mean about having my free time interrupted. I don’t have kids but it happens at work sometimes. But you are so right. It is important to live in the moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a sweet picture you share in this post. Bless you for needing a moment of quiet but also for seeing the beauty in your little guy’s cheerful sharing. 🙂


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