Even In the Rain We Can Dance

Ever have one of those days when you just want to forget about all your grown-up problems and instead just play on the floor, build with Lego’s and block out the world?

Dave asked me as I was heading off to sleep, “What do you need?” and I exhaustively replied, “I need sleep! Nothing I think about, worry about or let roll around in my head will be solved tonight by staying awake so I need to sleep.”

I felt a bit like Scarlett O’Hara. “After all… tomorrow is another day!”

And it is a new day. A new day with new hope.

I can wallow in everything that is, could and might go wrong or instead set my mind on the good things in life. The blessings that surround and the gifts that are mine…. and yours!

Gifts like forgiveness, friendship and laughter.


Will those things solve all these grown-up issues? No, but focusing on the Good lightens my load and grants me a perspective change in getting my day started.

“So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (The Message)

Our hope is not built on what is here. It’s not on whether situations go our way or not. Our hope is not in our jobs, our bank account, relationships or even our health. Our hope is in Him. It’s in the unshakable and resounding fact that He is with us every step of the way.

On this journey, when we are tired, He lifts us up. When worries seem to overwhelm, His peace comes in like a tidal wave and pushes out the fear, uncertainty and insecurity that wants to take up residence in our heart and mind. He calms our inner turmoil.

Today, we look to Him. Though we don’t know what today holds… He does. He has the answer to all the questions. He knows all things from the beginning and He knows the end.

We have a choice in our days. We can toss, turn and lose sleep. We can saunter through our day half present, nodding to others but not hearing their words. We can plant smiles on our faces and greet with a friendly “Hello!” Those kinds of days are half-lived, hallow and empty.

His life for us is not that. Instead He has abundant joy, hope and peace for us as we rest in the fact that He’s got this! He’s got our days and He’s got our heart. He’s taking care of the details. He’s got it under control.

Today we have joy. Today we can dance in the rain. We can face this day because He’s got this! Let’s trust Him with it!


Linking up with #InspireMeMonday   , Mom2MomLinkup and #RaRaLinkup

18 thoughts on “Even In the Rain We Can Dance

  1. Thanks for the reminder just as I really needed it Rachel. It’s what I keep right on my worship leader’s notebook, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain”.
    And thank the kids for reminding me that that’s me, when I can! Ask Joshua Woodie about this past Co-op Night!!!

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  2. In this rather difficult “go tell the Spartans” season of my life, I’m finding that I’m not really dancing in the rain. It hurts too much, and internal bleeding makes me somewhat dizzy.

    What I am doing is accepting the rain without resentment or complaint. It may not be convenient to my plans (dying painfully and young wasn’t on my to-do list) but I can make something of it, through my writing, if I choose to do so.

    I can hold up an umbrella to shelter others. The servant is expected to accept getting wet; and isn’t that the whole point of our faith?

    Here from Inspire Me Monday.

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    • Andrew, I just had to jump in and comment. Because in accepting the rain without resentment or complaint, you are honoring what God asked us to do…to do everything without murmuring or complaining, and to think on whatever is true, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely… Yes, there is pain, yes there is suffering. The Bible warns us there will be. But you are choosing the right perspective through it. And God promises that when the flood waters come, they will not overtake you, and when the fires blaze, they will not burn you. His ways are not our ways, but He is with you and He is well-acquainted with our grief. Blessings my friend. Hope Prevails, Dr.B

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    • Even through the little amount of your words I have read here and at your blog… you are amazingly strong. Even though you will not feel it all the time, your journey is speaking hope to others who have to journey a similar path. Thank you for jumping in and sharing. You have encouraged me today in examining my own life and what I do and how I handle the rain in my own life. Thank you!


  3. I love that you point out where our hope comes from: It’s in the unshakable and resounding fact that He is with us every step of the way. It’s because of that that we can cast all our cares on Him, that we can have peace that passes understanding, that we can maintain our joy though outwardly we may be wasting away, that we can dance in the rain! Because in Him, we have hope.

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  4. Our hope is in Him – amen, Rachel. We sometimes try to shift that hope to other places and people, even things that just truly don’t fill that gap. He does have it under control and I’m so grateful that gives us the freedom to breath easy and dance in the rain (which we have none of in CA lately, but yup that!) 🙂

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  5. Amen! I’m given to dancing in the rain :). As my youngest says, “It’s pointless” to get all worked up over things over which we have no control. It’s much better to dance and surrender :).


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