When We’re Unsure and Afraid of the Dark

Matthew’s night-light went out last night.

I was out of replacement bulbs and other night-lights could not be found.

I grabbed the one that lit up the hallway and bathroom and placed it in his room with the following instructions.

“Here’s the night-light from the bathroom.  If you get up in the night use this little flashlight so you can see where to go.”

He immediately jumped on the idea of having his own portable light and felt he needed to try it out right then… again and again.

It can be scary to feel alone and not sure of what lurks in the dark.

  • Decisions ahead may be troubling your heart.
  • Your agenda may be looming over your head.
  • A conversation you’re dreading is playing out in your mind.
  • The weekend events have left you drained of your strength.

No matter the week you are facing He is the light that shines in your dark places.

His light

  • He is an ever-present help in our day.
  • His wisdom brings clarity to our agenda.
  • His love gives words for hard conversations.
  • And His joy gives strength for our everyday.

Nothing we face today can overcome, overwhelm or overpower the Light of Jesus.

Just as little Matthew was concerned about not having a light for the dark hallway, you have a portable, ever-present Light that goes with you wherever you go.

In your journey you are not alone or left without a Light to guide your way. 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.  In Him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:1-5 (NIV)

In your coming and going today… whatever you face, lean into His grace, look to His wisdom and let His Light shine… lighting your way.

Linking up today with:




18 thoughts on “When We’re Unsure and Afraid of the Dark

  1. It has been pretty dark with me of late…and all I can really say is that –

    1) The creation we see is statistically inadmissible without a Creator.
    2) Jesus’ life was attributed by independent sources, so there’ not question of His existence
    3) The Bible accounts are being verified by archaeology
    4) The Apostles would have gained nothing by faking jesus’ resurrection, and to go to their deaths on the strength of something they knew to be false would have been the height of madness…there’s nothing to indicate that they were mad, so using Occam’s Razor, one can deduce that Jesus DID rise on the Third Day.
    5) The conviction of those who formed the church for 2000 years would be illogical if placed in a falsehood; there were other ‘messiahs’ bruited at the time, but only scholars remember them now.

    It hurts way too much, physically and emotionally, to really feel God with me, to see His light…but the light of a kind of Spock-like logic brings me back to the same place…that God is indeed real, and that He’s pretty much the God of the Bible.

    And thus faith has a foundation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There are dark valleys God walks with us through and I am amazed at your faith during this entire journey you are on. We again and again have to go back to the foundation of our faith during those times when we can’t always see or feel Him but we stand on the basis of faith and knowledge of He is indeed real and His light still shines in the darkness.
      Thank you for jumping in and sharing today. I always enjoy hearing your perspective and learning something from this journey you are on. Thank you!


  2. I’m so glad we have a Light! Life can look so dark at times–but just like when we stare at the campfire and we become blind to the darkness around us, so staring at the Light makes us blind to the darkness–thus giving us courage to go on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Rachel, visiting you for the first time and I am enjoying the conversation. Thank you for this. Seems as God is working in our hearts to remind us that “Nothing we Face here on earth Pushes Him Over”.
    It may be so dark as though the light would never come but surely the morning would come.
    Blessings to you

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “He is an ever-present help in our day. His wisdom brings clarity to our agenda.
    His love gives words for hard conversations. And His joy gives strength for our everyday.” These are such true statements Rachel. Thanks for linking up with #RaRaLinkUp.
    Blessings, Christy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. OK. I just love, love, love the simplicity of this post. It is perfect for some things I’ve got to tackle in the next couple of days! Thank you!


    • Aawww… that’s a great verse to focus on. Sometimes our minds can go crazy with all the stuff flying through yet it’s good to lay them down and let Him take care of them!
      Thanks for stopping over! It was great to connect with you! 🙂


  6. These words just spoke truth to me…”He brings clarity to our agenda.” I’ve been chasing down my days lately, and while I pray over plans I often fail to pray over my agenda for the day. I need to invite God into that process and welcome in His presence, and prayerfully His peace. Thanks for this necessary reminder today, friend! xoxo


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