Taking It Easy This Christmas Season

People keep saying, “Where have you been?… How are you? I haven’t seen you around.

I’m good… really.

I’m quiet, you know.  I read more and talk less.  My family might disagree on that point. But it’s true.  I process inside and don’t always translate all that to the outside.

But honestly, I’m good.

We had an amazing Thanksgiving with 30 people tucked into our new home and I absolutely loved it.

We’ve set up our trees for Christmas and that’s a first for us.  Yes, that’s right… we set up trees.

I couldn’t decide if I wanted a beautiful color coordinated tree in the living room next to the fireplace or a fun-retro tree with big Snoopy lights and fluorescent ornaments for the family room downstairs.

If I chose one location over the other than one place felt empty.

The whole process of deciding worked itself into a crazy emotional moment because sometimes I’m like that and deep internal emotions work themselves out into something that looks entirely like my husband gently saying… “Honey, it doesn’t have to be an ‘either/or’…. It can be a ‘both/and’.”

He’s good to me like that…plus working at a Christmas Tree Farm has its advantages.

So we tromped out last week and cut down two trees.  Both spots are now filled and my heart is happy.





Sam flies home this week and my mama heart is bubbling over with the excitement of having all my babies here for our first Christmas in our new home.

The days have been full and the piles of laundry show how little we’ve been here.  Truth be told, when I do get time at home, laundry and cleaning bathrooms are the last things I want to do.

But today I’ve cleared my schedule and that’s exactly what will be happening. I’m donning sweats, my favorite hoodie and fuzzy socks. I’m taking back control of the house and getting ready for Christmas.

This time of year can be all-consuming and exhausting.  From kid productions, shopping, and parties to extra events with family/friends and everything in-between, we can become worn out.

It’s a time I love and loath all at the same time.  I want to enjoy it yet all the crazy gets in the way of the calm I want.

I mean, when do we have time to roast chestnuts on the open fire?  And who really wants jack frost nipping at our nose?

The carols and Hallmark movie moments place expectations in our minds that are not realistic. So our real life moments don’t measure up and some how we’re disappointed.

But when we sit back and let the moments happen around us without outside expectations, we find they are beautiful all on their own.

So instead of forcing a moment or snapping retakes and retakes of a pic perfect for Instagram, let’s put away the camera and enjoy the moments.

Let the expectations go and live real in the moments of today.



Linking up with: #HeartEncouragement

17 thoughts on “Taking It Easy This Christmas Season

  1. Such a great call to action during this time of year. I know I always carry expectations with me, especially in times like Christmas. I am going to try today to be rid of the expectations and enjoy each moment for what it is! Thank you for the encouragement!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I may be one of the last homes to only have one tree. ha. Yours are beautiful! Sounds like you’re going to have an amazing first Christmas in your new home with all your kids there. I’m looking forward to having our complete family here for Christmas too!


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