When Your Morning Coffee Isn’t Enough

For two weeks I’ve worn a brace on my left hand. I don’t even know how I strained the tendons in my thumb because I’m really bad about continuing to work even if it hurts. I think it has something to do with being a mom and continuing to just. keep. going.

So after a month and a half of pain I decided to discuss it with my doctor during my annual check-up. No sense going in when an appointment was already on the calendar.  That’s when I was told to wear a brace and take it easy.  I was adjusting pretty well with just a few stubborn moments but mostly obeying doctor’s orders.

So possibly kayaking shouldn’t have been in the physical regiment, but my daughter was home from college and it was our Saturday outing. I didn’t want to miss out.

I fared pretty well until the end. I stepped out of the kayak and slipped on the concrete boat launch. My hero hubby slowed my fall by grabbing my left arm but my right elbow still managed to smack the algae covered concrete as I continued my fall into the water.

So there I was with a braced left hand and a bloody right elbow. Things were looking sunny all over.

By Sunday morning I was pretty stiff but after multiple doses of ibuprofen and applied ice packs I made it to church for the morning service.

My biggest obstacle to overcome was drinking my coffee. I couldn’t bend my right elbow enough to reach my mouth and my left hand couldn’t grasp the handle of my mug.  Ingenuity and sheer perseverance got me through and I was able to eventually consume my most needed morning coffee.

I can joke about it now because the pain is subsiding and my elbow bends enough to bring my mug to my mouth.

But sometimes we face situations not so easily overcome.

We struggle in relationships, finances are tight and the situations in our lives are more than a morning cup of coffee can fix.

Jesus invites us to come near — yet we don’t always take Him up on His offer.

And maybe us independent, do-it-ourselves types struggle a little bit to let Him help us.

I found myself there even this week. I was annoyed and on edge trying to figure out the answer to an issue pounding in my brain and messing with my emotions. I finally pulled into an empty parking spot so God and I could have a simple sit down. I spoke it all out in frustrating honesty and I knew it was time to invite Him into the conversation. It’s as simple as this —-

God, I’m annoyed. I don’t know the answer and I don’t know what to do. But I trust you. You have the answer — so help me be patient, listen for Your wisdom and grant me grace as I go forward from this place.

Speaking that simple prayer didn’t solve all my problems but I did drive away with an inner peace and calmness knowing He had me and I wasn’t in this alone.

We can trust Him when we don’t have the answers and we need someone near.

Today, invite Him into your struggles and those things that have you troubled.  He’s right there waiting for you to let Him in.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on You because they trust in You. Isaiah 26:3

Sweet friend, I am praying for you and your day ahead.

Happy Friday, friends!


Linking up with FiveMinuteFriday – Our word prompt today: OVERCOME

17 thoughts on “When Your Morning Coffee Isn’t Enough

  1. Rachel, wow, having both arms restricted would be tough! I really like where you took this. Sometimes we just need to stop everything and recalibrate by talking with God. Okay, we should always invite Him into daily life. 🙂 I sometimes forget to do this until I’m depleted or overwhelmed. Thanks for your perfect reminder that He will always walk with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, Rachel! You had me laughing in empathy of your predicament. To have that cup of coffee so close…yet so far away! I can relate! And I totally get the ‘I’m too independent and don’t need God’s help” problem, too. I needed to read this today! I hope you heal quickly. One of these days, we need to get together in real life for a cup of coffee!


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