Still Here

The last time I dropped into this space was July 19. You would think for a writer this would be a problem. It is.

All good writers will tell you writers write.

  • Keep your bum in the seat and write
  • Write everyday

These are great things to do and good mantras to follow.

Sometimes in life though, processing life and working through things doesn’t always happen in the public square. And that’s okay.

I’ve been thinking about writing here more and what that looks like. I still don’t have an answer for you. I received a sweet phone call from my father this week saying, “Um, Rachel, I got this new computer this summer and now I’m not receiving your blogs. Did I do something wrong on my computer? Do I have to set something up? Why aren’t I getting them anymore?”

“Well, Dad, I’m not writing blogs. So that’s why you’re not getting them. You’re not doing anything wrong. I’m just not getting them out there.”

What a sweet Dad to cheer on his daughter. We all need that don’t we? Someone in our corner cheering us on. Thanks, Dad!

So I decided to drop in here and join the Five Minute Friday crowd again. Years ago, I participated every Friday faithfully but have dropped out of that habit. (Writing for 5 minutes on a specific word… no editing, no over thinking)

Their word today is: STILL – Let’s get to it!

  • Are we still not settled?
  • Are we still not getting along?
  • Are we still struggling after the ball dropped in February 2020?

It’s exhausting when I think about all that has transpired since that time. People struggle, friends and even acquaintances fight, and individuals are now fearful where before secure boundaries hemmed them in.

Morning walks got me through those tiresome days and those same walks bring sanity to my soul when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

In the stillness of those mornings as the sun rises into day, I’m reminded He is still here. He is still in control and when my mind swirls and situations frustrate me, He whispers — Be Still.

Blessings on your weekend, friends!


14 thoughts on “Still Here

    • To write you have just got to write,
      that’s advice so many give,
      but they do not have it right,
      for to write you’ve got to live
      in the world up with your readers,
      for it’s them you’re talking to,
      plaster saints and bottom feeders,
      and together they are reading you
      and the outpourings of your heart,
      the dark fell trials of your sad soul,
      and in their presence are a part
      of God-stuff that makes you whole
      so forget the bum-on-chair,
      it’s words of love that get you there.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. So beautiful! Thank you!

    Over the spring and summer I slacked off on my blog and participating in Five Minute Friday. But now that it’s fall I am feeling renewed inspiration to get back it. Your dad sounds very sweet and I am glad he encouraged you to start blogging again. I am looking forward to reading more of your writing!

    Annie FMF#11

    Liked by 1 person

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