Spending the day in my favorite way

Yesterday I spent the day in my favorite way.

I slept in as long as I could (8:20 am), took Matt to his swim lessons, grabbed coffee with Dave and headed home again.

Normally coming home would mean jumping on the list of to-do’s and getting on with our day.

But yesterday we planned differently.

We took it as a day off. Friday is our regular day off but we know the next 6 days will be filled to the brim with ministry activities so having a normal day off is not going to happen.

We informed the kids a few days ago that nothing was to be scheduled on Thursday except relaxing fun with the family. And it played out pretty well.

I grabbed my current favorite read, my coffee from Dunkin’ and heading to my backyard swing. Della curled up at my feet and we relaxed the morning away.


The rest of the day pretty much played out the same way.

Nothing ‘people’ involved, nothing ‘ministry’ involved and nothing strenuous at all.

We went to our favorite dinner place for wings and rings, laughed with each other and just enjoyed being together.

Life can be wearing.

We can run ourselves ragged with the to-do’s, have-to’s and schedule scrunching. I encourage you…take some time away…even if it’s just sitting at home.

Take time away from screen, media and the continual cycle of being “on”

Spend time with your favorite books, hobby and especially your favorite people.

Unwind, relax and take in the rest He has designed for us.

 …on that day He rested from all His work… (Genesis 2:1-4)

Jump into the conversation:

  • How do you unwind?
  • What is your favorite way to spend your down time?
  • What keeps you from taking a rest?


Today we are linking up with Kate Motaung and the Five Minute Friday gang. For all the details and to join us, click here. Our word prompt today: FAVORITE

Happy Friday all and celebrate this weekend with your favorite people!

8 thoughts on “Spending the day in my favorite way

  1. Stopping by from FMF. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful day. We are commanded to have a Sabbath and yet so many of us simply don’t. It’s such a refreshing thing to just do “nothing.” But, of course, we are doing something, we are resting and rejuvenating in preparation for the Lord’s Work the rest of the week, which it sounds like you’ll be doing quite a bit of. Praying it is a good week for you. Thanks so much for sharing. I’m relaxed just reading it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad to see you on Five Minute Friday, friend! I love this post. Sounds like a beautiful way to spend a day. My favorite ways to relax: take walks with my family, play games together, and read. We’re going to do all three tonight. Son just got back from camp!


  3. Your day sounds completely delightful, Rachel. It’s so great just to set aside EVERYTHING and savor the goodness around us – in family, in food, in the ways that bring warmth to our heart. I love to sink into a good book too, watch movies as a family, and if you throw in some scrumptious food, well, I’m a gonner. Blessings, friend – enjoy your weekend, busy as it may be.


  4. Unwinding’s sort of not an option – I have to keep going as hard and fast as I can, because involvement and energy are the key to my survival. If I slow down I may never make it through the rough and dark passages.

    Plu, we run a sanctuary for abused and abandoned dogs, and their needs – and feeding – comes first. Even in sleep -and I ‘sleep’ in the kennel area (mainly because I don;t really sleep, and it makes it hard for Barbara to rest) – I stay alert to the guys’ needs. Zero dark thirty potty breaks are pretty rare, but they and I are a lot happier when they can go out.

    Here from FMF, #9


  5. Yes!! I spent the last ten days at a continuing Ed event that is held in the heart of the Colorado Rocky mtns. I love it because there is no Internet etc where we stay. It reminds me to truly experience Sabbath. We all need to remember to take time like this. Visiting from FMF. I’m #16 this week.


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