Raised to Release – Five Minute Friday

My hubby and I planned it this way.

“Let’s have our kids close so we go through everything at the same time…diapers, potty-training, car seats, amusement park rides…”

When we had our first, life became crazy and our normal was out the window. We had to find a new normal or go crazy forcing everything into our old normal.

And with each new baby born, a new normal was adopted.

Now with 3 teenagers and one of them getting ready for college. I find myself having to seriously consider that this is a new normal.

A normal where my kids drive themselves around…where they fill in my iPad calendar with their own work schedules, activities with friends and appointments.

When did this happen?

This weekend is my daughter’s open house for her high school graduation.

We have been planning, shopping and preparing for this event for a while now.

Today we picked up the final items.  And as my daughters and I were jammin’ down the road with Jamie Grace, my mind whispered again, “When did this happen?”

Jamie and the girls kept jammin’ while I became a bit melancholy because it hit me… “We raised them this way… We raised them to release them.”

It’s true when they say, “You only have them for a little while.” And that little while seems to be slipping by faster lately.

In the last seven days, our first-born graduated, our second-born passed the test for his driving permit and our 3rd was hired for another summer job.

In a few more blinks of time they’ll be off on their own… yet we did raise them for this.

We raised them to release them…yet sometimes… it would be nice to hold onto that old normal for just a little while longer.



Five Minute FridayToday we link up with Lisa-Jo for Five-Minute-Friday.  We write on the same word prompt for 5 minutes.  (All the details are here if you want to join us!)  The word prompt for this week is: RELEASE.


25 thoughts on “Raised to Release – Five Minute Friday

  1. Aw, this brought a tear to my eye! Hang in there, mamma. Your kids will want to be around you a whole lot as they learn to navigate this adult world. I see my parents every Sunday, rain or shine, and talk to them multiple times during the week. 🙂


    • Oh yes! Thank you! That’s actually the beauty in it all it’s that we love all being together…even jamming with Jamie. And I’m proud of them and who they are becoming. It’s pretty amazing to watch and it is a joy to release them knowing they are going to accomplish great things. I don’t want to go back to the stress of diapers and car seats with them…but then again I could control more of what happened…when I was in the driver’s seat instead of them! 🙂 But then again…who really is in the driver’s seat! 🙂 He’s got it all and I release them to Him! 🙂

      Thanks for your encouraging words! Hugs! 🙂


  2. I have released five children into the world. Your writing reminded me that change is the only thing we can count on. Congratulations on your children’s varied stages of independence.


  3. Rachel, this struck a cord with me as we are in the same stage of parenting. You captured my feelings beautifully. Thanks for sharing your gift! FMF


  4. Rachel, it is so true. We raise them to release them. And the releasing is not easy as we love them so deeply. I am so grateful I released mine into the hands of One able to hold them always. I visited from #FMF & I am so glad I did as I think this is my first time here. Wonderful to “meet you”!.


  5. Thank you, Joanne for stopping by! What you say is true. It is a releasing back to Him and I am so grateful for Him. One of the beautiful things about this season is watching them become. There is so much a beauty and awe in watching those I once carried in my arms…now carry and shoulder responsibility well…make good decisions and become people of good character. I’m thankful to Him for His faithfulness and wisdom in raising them to release them!

    Thanks again for stopping by…it’s a pleasure to meet you as well! 🙂


  6. What a beautiful segment! I can so relate! It’s bitter sweet Rachel. We raise our children to be independent.. but when they are, we feel slighted. The years fly by and it doesn’t get any better. My boys ( Uhmm.. men) are now 29 and 32 and they live about an hour and a half from me. My youngest one who just recently married is busy with his new life and work , and my oldest is caught up with his friends and work. I am so proud of their accomplishments, but somehow I have been put on the back burner. I have had a pity party for myself for too long.
    My hubby has done a great job this week planning things for me to do to keep me busy. Lol However, I still miss what “was and the way it used to be”. I have to let them go to create their own memories and live their own lives.
    One day they will realize we had all sorts of knowledge and they just missed out.
    Yes dear… Life is but a fleeting moment. Memories from their childhood are priceless. We can never get them back again, but we sure can hold them close and dear to our hearts.
    Ps. It’s as if God asked you to write this segment just for me! Thank you so much!


  7. And the more we realize that they are in his hands, the easier it is to release, even thought it’s so hard. Does that even make sense? After letting go of precious foster children, letting go of a son who wouldn’t stay past 17, letting go of the plans we had, there is still pain and loss in the heart, but my faith is strengthened greatly too. Blessings Rachel! Good words!


    • Thank you, Jolene, for sharing those words.

      Yes, I am learning what it is to let go and trust Him with it all and it does actually make my love for Him grow as He keeps showing me how He cares so deeply for us all!

      Thanks for sharing!


  8. This is a great reminder to me to cherish the moments I have now with my children young and at home. I’m raising them to release them, and I’m going to cherish them while they are still here with me!


    • Yes, Rachel, I was just talking with my girls this afternoon about this post. I was telling them how when they were small so many people would tell me to cherish it all because it goes so fast and because so many women told me I really tried to take it to heart. I’ve tried to find good things in each stage knowing we only go this way once and I want to remember it well.

      Thanks for sharing!


  9. Pingback: Moses, Pageants, Tea Cups & More | Days & Thoughts

  10. It happens in the blink of an eye, doesn’t it? My two oldest are 23 (married) and 20. I am thankful they are close. My two youngest are 14 and 11, and I thank God every day for allowing me to soak up moments with them!


    • Yes, that is the same thing I have learns between my older teens and my little surprise blessing who is now 5. I’m so much more patient with him and cherish the little moments so much better because I know from personal experience how fast it goes!

      Thanks for sharing!


    • Aaahhh….yes, that is a whole other kind of release. I believe God prepares us for each step. It begins even when they’re infants and we begin releasing them to nursery or daycare and then all of a sudden it’s the open road of driving and college. I thank again for the little steps to prepare us for big ones like we are both facing this fall! Hugs to you! 🙂 thanks for sharing!


  11. I am very much feeling the same emotions as I am releasing my last…yes, when did this happen? People keep saying the new normal is wonderful, but I don’t think I am ready. Thank you for your encouraging words. Dropping by from FMF 🙂


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