When I Didn’t Want to Follow

We hold onto big words like “Trust God.”

Faith is easy when life is easy. Faith is easy when things go our way and we have need of nothing. But what about when it’s not? What about when what seemed secure is shaken and knocked off kilter?

Finances become tight, loved ones suffer and the road you’re traveling becomes full of obstacles… what about then?

At the beginning of each year I evaluate the past year and look to the next. This years evaluation was tough. It held a lot of self-examination. In the past where I might have boasted, I found myself second guessing.

In the midst of this mental evaluation time, I walked to our pond and checked the progress on the ice rink.

Dave was shoveling and Matt was exploring.

“Hey Mom, come with me. Let me show you something amazing!”

I began to follow but then noticed Matt was going to take me through underbrush with thistles and thorns.

“Matt, where are you taking me?  I don’t want to go this way.”

“We’re going over there.” And he pointed toward the north side of the pond.

“Matt, we don’t need to go this way. We can go back and head around the pond the other direction where the path is clear. We’ll end up at the same spot.”

At that moment, I felt the Spirit whisper, Rachel, you have your direction and your way to go about things but that is not necessarily the way I have for you. You may get to what you think is the same place but your way is not my way.”

Matt stood on the other side of some underbrush and said, “Mom, come this way. I’ll hold back the branches. Trust me….”

And again I felt the Spirit whisper, “My way may seem full of obstacles and it may appear to be a path blocked by underbrush, thorns and thistles but it’s not impassable.  This is where I’m taking you. Do you trust me?  You are capable of going around the other way but that’s not where I’m asking you to go.  I’m here… inviting you to this path. I’ll be here… you can trust Me.”

I don’t like the thought of going through the underbrush with the potential of snagging my coat, catching my cap on thistles or worse getting my face smacked by small branches.

Trusting God and His direction is not always a clear path.

His path will contain obstacles. We will most likely come against opposition and a few “in your face” moments might happen.  The path is not free from hardship or stretching moments of growth. Yet this is how He challenges us to go deeper, move past our fears and arrive at a place we couldn’t have if we went another way.

Why does He invite us to this path?

Because He knows our beginning all the way to our end. He knows what we need and what it’s going to take to get us to where He’s leading. He knows what’s best.  He knows what’s beyond the wooded path of thistles and thorns. He knows that when we arrive there we will be better for the journey.

It all comes back to this “Trust God” statement. – Trust is when I rely on the integrity, strength and ability of the One who knows the way.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go — He’s the One who will keep you on track. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 (MSG)

I’m one who likes the details. I like to know the direction, itineration, leaving time, arriving time and places we’re staying along the way.  But this time around I don’t think I’m going to get that. Instead this is a trust walk with all those details TBA.

In a way I feel this is a crossroads moment –a moment of my choosing. A moment where He stands and waits for my decision.

See I believe God leads us to certain places and gives us the option to move forward in that direction or go back.  He doesn’t force us to go His way. Instead He offers the best to us and we have the choice in whether we travel that path… or choose another way.

Do we take the challenge of the trust walk… the path not fully disclosed?

This road doesn’t promise ease. This road presents challenges and obvious obstacles–some are seen from the outset. We know it will not be the easy way but it is the place He’s leading.  He invites us to the challenge and promises His Presence with us.

Back at the pond, my little guy stood waiting… holding back branches, waiting for me to follow his lead.

In my own mind, this act of following Matthew was an outward, physical step to an inward decision of faith.

Okay, God, I’ll go. I’ll take the challenge.

As I walked through the underbrush, Matthew held back the branches. “Here, Mom, step this way.” Unbeknownst to him, he was giving me a picture of grace.  Showing me that even when we choose a difficult way, there is Someone going before us, leading the way, holding back branches and instructing us where to step. We simply follow His lead.

When we arrived at Matt’s spot, he spun around with arms spread out, “Isn’t this amazing, Mom! — I love it here! Look at the moon, it’s just coming out and you can’t see it from over there. It’s only in this place that you get this view. Isn’t it amazing?” — Yes, Matt, it is!


  • What about you?  What is God asking of you that seems difficult?
  • How do you gain the courage to move forward when your fear holds you back?
  • How can we encourage you in this journey?


Linking up with: #HeartEncouragement




7 thoughts on “When I Didn’t Want to Follow

  1. Rachel, I cool I needed this today. God is leading me, or rather trying to lead me,😒through a very challenging path right now. He has given me some clear directions and I follow them for a while, then get discouraged and fall back into my “fix it” mode. Thank you for this VERY timely message. I’m so very thankful that God is faithful to send guidance along the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad this is a blessing to you. I am praying for you as you continue this path He has you on. May He continue to give you grace as you step out in faith and may you be assured He has you every step of the way. Love you! Thank you for jumping in and sharing!


  2. I love how God spoke to you on that walk, Rachel, and I’d never seen the Message translation of that verse; “don’t try to figure it all out on your own.” 🙂 This encourages me today as my husband and I are praying and talking over some future plans that right now we’re not too sure about. Trusting God to lead us and say, “Step this way.” Like your son did!


  3. Wow! I needed that today too. I feel God is leading us down a new path. He is telling me it is time for a change. A new journey. We must trust His leading and have faith. So am praying that if it is His will it will be the right path at the right time for us.

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  4. Pingback: When I Don’t Get It My Way | Tripping Over Typeset

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